Elevating Insights from Sky to Space
Our commitment to pushing the limits of innovation by leveraging both drone and satellite technologies, seamlessly bridging the gap between the skies and space to deliver unparalleled insights and transformative solutions for industries worldwide.
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Business Solutions
Drone Surveys & Mapping
Drones can survey areas that humans may not be able to access, meaning their capabilities are vast. Not only that but drones can be used for many different ongoing operations, such as locating maintenance requirements or underperforming components. Drone surveys are a better alternative to traditional surveying for industries such as construction, archaeology, mining, and more. It is cost-effective, quick, and can display aspects such as thermal differences which cannot be seen with the human eye. Many industries are enlisting Drones as a Service (DaaS) companies to carry out their surveys and provide the deliverables necessary for projects to develop rapidly and safely.
Drone Inspections
Enhanced safety with better data. Drones can conduct detailed inspections at a rapid pace, much faster than ground crews or helicopters. Using multiple sensors like RGB, thermal, and UV, drones provide comprehensive data from the peaks of chimneys to the undersides of bridges to ensure operations suffer no disruptions. We can increase inspection efficiency for businesses by up to 80%.
Progress Monitoring
Drones allow businesses to work efficiently by avoiding rework, ensuring projects stick to a schedule, and keeping them within budget. The construction industry experiences a cost increase of 5% on average due to rework. Rework requirements put further pressure on budgets, causing reputations to be poorly affected when deadlines are not achieved and budgets are exceeded. However, with the advent and consequent advancement of drone technology, this can all be avoided. We help businesses to advance and achieve greater success at faster speeds, with the appropriate efficiency and accuracy that the modern world demands.
Aerial Media
Drones can capture stunning aerial imagery, including aerial photography and video. Now people can see things from different perspectives in a cost-effective way from the comfort of their own office chairs if they wish! Thanks to the latest tech equipment and expertise we employ, we produce quality images and videos. Our aerial media services are perfect for filming, construction progress, event coverage, and real estate showcase.
Improving every business with a drone solution.
Drones are revolutionising industries for the better and we aim to improve every business with a drone solution. We employ the following technologies to leverage drone data.
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Drone data, such as aerial imagery and topographic maps, can be integrated into GIS platforms for spatial analysis, mapping, and visualization. GIS enables the overlay of different data layers, such as infrastructure, terrain, and drone-collected data, to derive meaningful insights.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Drone data can be utilized to train machine learning models and AI algorithms for object detection, classification, and predictive analytics. For instance, in agriculture, drone imagery can be used to identify crop health, detect pests or diseases, and optimize irrigation or fertilization strategies.
3D Modelling and Virtual Reality (VR)
By using drone-captured imagery and LiDAR data, 3D models and virtual reality simulations can be created. These models provide immersive experiences for visualisation, planning, and design purposes in industries like architecture, construction, and urban planning.
Asset Management and Inspection Software
Drone data can be integrated into asset management and inspection software to monitor and assess the condition of infrastructure, such as bridges, power lines, or pipelines. This facilitates proactive maintenance and reduces the need for manual inspections.
Data Analytics and Visualization Tools
Drone data can be processed and analyzed using various data analytics and visualization tools, enabling businesses to derive meaningful insights, detect patterns, and make informed decisions based on the collected data.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Drone data can be integrated with IoT systems, where drones act as data collectors, transmitting information to IoT platforms for real-time monitoring and analysis. This integration enables dynamic decision-making and enhanced operational control.
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About Us
We are a digital transformation company that has harnessed the power of drones and satellite data to drive innovation and deliver transformative solutions across various industries. By leveraging drone technology for data collection, we have been able to gather valuable insights and provide our clients with advanced analytics and decision-making capabilities.
To revolutionize industries through Arial data-based digital transformation solutions. We aim to empower our clients with valuable insights and data-driven decision-making capabilities, leveraging the power of drones and advanced analytics.
To be the global leader in drone-enabled digital transformation. We envision a world where drones , satelite and data-driven solutions drive innovation, efficiency, and sustainable growth across industries.
CEO's Message
AltitudeX, formerly known as Agrinfo, is a data-driven solutions company that uses drone and satellite technologies to provide businesses with valuable insights. The company has been expanding its horizons and exploring opportunities beyond the boundaries of agriculture. With the rebranding to AltitudeX, the company signifies its broader vision and capabilities. AltitudeX will continue to empower businesses with valuable data-driven solutions, helping them make informed decisions and driving positive change across various industries.
Rose Funja
Founder & CEO
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